Chalk It Up!

November 8, 2010 § Leave a comment


RustOleum ChalkBoard Brush On

One of the coolest renovations I did this year was something I never thought was possible…turn the walls of my dining room into a usable chalkboard! Yes, the walls are chalkboard you can write on and fully erase. And even better, it’s a ChalkBoard Paint that takes no extra time or preparations than any standard paint does. No unnecessary work, clean-up or help is needed.  Actually, it dries faster and you don’t even need two coats if you choose not to do so. When I heard about this ChalkBoard Brush On and all the surfaces you can apply this paint over, I knew I had to do it. Either erase the walls with an eraser for the smudged chalk look or wipe it down with a wet rag and your back to a blank wall. This is the most creative idea for someone that likes to make functional space in their home. Have an artist friend come draw a mural, write down your grocery list, play Pictionary with guests, or post the dinner menu for your family. There’s a never ending list of things you can do with a chalkboard wall and the fun part is, it’s always changing.

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